Saturday, November 07, 2015


Yesterday Barack Obama made it official that Canadian crude will continue to cross our borders on trucks and trains, and THEN it will traverse our country's mid-section via pipeline. Because he could.

You can read the entire speech HERE. Obama's only correct statement in the speech involved the fact that the economy wouldn't gain a heck of a lot of jobs. That it had become a largely symbolic issue, and that the price of crude would be affected very little. I agree with this, but when prices spike again, and they will, will we not have squandered yet another opportunity to prepare to protect our independence as relates to energy? Yet another kick-the-can moment, juxtaposed with a flourish of dire rhetoric about the urgency involved in combating global warming, which Obama laughably claims to be an existential threat. No one actually believes that crap anymore. It is now Kabuki theater in the extreme.

So what does all this really mean? Aside from this:

There are several things going on here, very revealing, as to what Obama’s goals actually were, from the beginning. When Rush says “Obama has succeeded” this is what he means.

First, private-sector unions have now been officially tossed under the bus. Simply put, they've been outbid. Their power has waned in proportion to their shrinking numbers and corresponding ability to contribute the bucks. Public-sector unions have conversely grown, in numbers and ability to contribute. Public-sector unions don’t care about the pipeline.

More importantly the environmental lobby is no longer focussed on the environment, and the issue of Keystone proves it. It is clearly better for the environment if the Canadian oil were to be piped instead of trucked and trained across the border. Yet huge amounts of donations to the Democratic Party were at stake here. It’s not just Tom Steyer.

The environmental lobby used to be funded by a few hippie tree-huggers. Thus for many years it was not a financial juggernaut worthy of ditching private sector union largesse, shrinking though it may be. But others, none of whom had the environment in mind, saw the potential for using the hippies for their own aims. 

So, today’s environmental lobby has metastasized into a combination of legitimate, large corporations feeding at the federal trough, buying favors and protection, and foreign/domestic enemies of capitalism-who have big bucks. As to the former, think Warren Buffet, Solyndra, General Motors, the Ford Foundation etc. The latter, George Soros and many more obscure donors, who share his globalist aims.

More ominously still, this anti-capitalist, anti-American cabal has been joined by nation-states who have much to gain from America’s demise, and if not her demise then much to gain from controlling American politics. We know this because of what we now know about the Clinton Foundation.

No, Keystone, for the reason that the crude will get into the world markets anyway, had very little to do with the economy, it was symbolic, a dog whistle indication from the left that we are for sale. Bring on the bucks. What else might you want to purchase while you are in the store?

The environmental lobby is no longer about the environment, it’s about the neutering and harnessing of American capitalism. This is why Hillary could come out against Keystone a week ago, with impunity. This is the stance that gets the bucks. Private-sector union money? Who needs it anymore? The green money is, well, not just greener, there’s just so much more of it available.

And none of this could have been done without first the vilification and now the legal criminalization of CARBON DIOXIDE. An odorless, harmless gas essential, as a matter of fact, for flourishing life on Earth.

This is the mechanism by which the FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION OF AMERICA has occurred.

Amazing how far we’ve come.


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