Sunday, November 01, 2015


The downing of the Russian commercial airliner yesterday has the world once again on edge. ISIS immediately claimed responsibility, but the consensus is that we should consider the source, and proceed with caution. At least, that is how the civilized Western World would want everyone to proceed.

Great discussion going on over at CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE.

Russia has stated officially that they don't believe the downing to be a terrorist attack. Apparently some in the Russian government think they should be "civilized", just like the West. The downing of this flight is eerily similar to the TWA flight 800 crash on July 17, 1996, over Long Island NY. One perhaps crucial difference, TWA 800 was at around 13,000 ft at the time of its demise, clearly within range of a shoulder-fired missile, and the Russian liner had reached 30,000 ft, out of range of a Manpad or other shoulder-fired missiles.

There seems to be some evidence that it wasn't terrorism at all, but some sort of mechanical failure. But even if it turns out there's proof of mechanical failure, who will be able to say with certainty the weak point wasn't tampered with at the Russian plane's point of departure, in Sharm-El-Sheik, in the Egyptian Sinai?

We'll see, but none of this discussion, whether it was or wasn't terrorism, will matter as to the question "What will Putin do?" Western sensibilities Vlad possesses not, so he will soon begin to see he must do something in response, because he must realize that, just like TWA 800, the terrorism theories will never go away.

ISIS has taken credit, or as the case may be, wants the blame. Vladimir Putin thinks differently than Barack Obama (as my daughter would say, DUH!) and he won't dawdle.

I'm betting the response will have a decided retaliatory, punitive flavor, unabashedly framed as such, and I'm probably going to enjoy it immensely.


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