Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Sarah Palin is Hated By The Left

I'd like to posit my theory as to why the hatred of Sarah Palin is so intense.

It's no secret that liberalism is on the ropes. It's on the ropes because the most sacrosanct liberal tenets are constantly refuted by events on the ground and history itself. Liberals are tribal. Unlike individualistic conservatives, their beliefs, because they are largely based on lies, require constant affirmation from within and without; these are the roles the collective (tribe) and the mainstream media play.

Of all their bankrupt beliefs, only one has the quality of being the glue that holds all of liberalism together.

We must understand that even with liberals it is a daunting, arduous task to maintain the belief that it's ok to kill a fetus. That it's ok to kill a fetus for.....convenience alone. The second thing we have to realize is that if liberalism succeeds in getting conservatives to stand aside on abortion, then we've just obliterated our bedrock tenet-the belief in the sanctity of human life. If we lose the abortion battle, then the rest of conservatism will fall.

So on to the scene bursts Sarah Palin. Already a threat because she's a conservative, already a threat because she's a beautiful female conservative, already a threat because she a beautiful female conservative with young children that managed to become the governor of a state. And then, she really really becomes a threat, by deciding to have another baby that she knows has Down's syndrome.

This was a significant emotional event for all liberals, an uh-oh moment. The instant it was revealed that this woman was actually going to have this baby, liberals knew she had to be off the stage. With their tenuous hold on sanity by virtue of having to maintain a belief contrary to human nature, they also sensed that all the psychological trappings of liberalism could be threatened by anything this woman said or did.

They saw her then, and still see her now, as an existential threat, and it's not just political-it's personal.

Sarah Palin literally drives liberals crazy. In my opinion it's the abortion issue, and the abortion issue alone, that evinces such vitriolic hatred from leftist quarters, as regards Sarah Palin.

It's not so much what she says, it's who she is that threatens them. Because the abortion issue occupies such a pivotal position in the underpinnings of the liberal ideological edifice, Sarah Palin is seen as the possible end of everything they hold dear.


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