Friday, November 06, 2015



My grandfather was a Redskins fan. My father was a Redskins fan. So am I. My son has season tickets, and I saw my grandson (8 years old) wearing a Redskins Jersey only last week. 

From the Redskins' theme song:

Hail to the Redskins, hail victory
Braves on the warpath
Fight for old DC.....

It's pretty clear the R word has become the new N word, no?

Notice in the words above, taken from the Redskins' fight song, the word "braves". Plural of "brave". Hmmm...does it seem like the intent here is to assault sensibilities or exalt an admired people?

Anyone who has played sports knows that it is indeed serious business. Even at the high school and college levels, it's war. It's intense competition. Concussions, broken bones, lacerations, teeth knocked's war. 

So naturally the words "fight", "warpath", and "victory", have a place in such an arena. Perhaps these are the words that assault liberal sensibilities as much as "Redskins" considering the pacifist bent of most on the left. This is why the Chicago Blackhawks, Atlanta Braves, Cleveland Indians, and numerous others need to take heed.

The common justification for wanting to eradicate the R word usually centers around a supposed offense to the sensibilities of Indians, oh, I'm sorry, I mean Native Americans. (Notice how we can't even say Indians any more, slippery slope, anyone?)

But there are only a few obscure tribes that are among those bringing legal challenges to the use of the name. Many Native Americans see no problem with the name, and many are Redskin fans because of the name.

So just who is spearheading (pun intended) the war on the Redskins name? A few conservatives, but the vast majority are of the liberal political persuasion. Blacks? Well no, it seems the NAACP has come out for a ban on the trademark, but most rank and file blacks are neutral, except those who live in DC, and they happen to be vocal in their opposition to eliminating the name from the lexicon.

Liberalism is clearly a failed ideology. It is a house of cards, and has been for some time. Liberals have had to maintain a belief that it is acceptable to kill a fetus in the womb, while simultaneously believing that capital punishment is inhumane. This is a seriously intense psychological high-wire act for their little brains. 

Sanity is further jeopardized, for a liberal, merely by the opening of a history book. Nearly everything liberals advocate today has in the past led to abject poverty, subjugation, and mass genocide, so history has to be constantly revised for them to maintain a sense of psychological equilibrium, teetering, as they always are, on the edge of mental well-being. 

Such a tenuous hold on reality involves not only revised history, but a lot of rationalizing, and requires constant affirmation of their failed beliefs by the purveyance of lies which prop up their failed ideology, and that explains the role of today's Main Stream Media.

Another coping mechanism involves needless meddling into others' affairs, that is, impugning the words and actions of others in order to prop themselves up, by bringing others down. Examples abound. Liberals must maintain the moral high-ground in order for their beliefs to prevail, and to maintain the tremendous social and psychological trappings that belonging to the liberal tribe (choice of word "tribe" intentional) affords them.

Then there are words. Words they'd like to eliminate from the lexicon, so that the assault by events which refute their beliefs may be thwarted. Thus political correctness. It's a matter of survival.

So the war on the Redskins name is a liberal thing. It's born of a severe psychological need on the part of liberals to keep their sanity, and it's largely a tactic to put others down. As a matter of mental balance, liberals must maintain the moral high-ground. Make no mistake, they are the caring ones, and you are the rubes.

The war over the Redskins name is a war alright, and for the left it's an existential war, so don't look for liberals to give up on their war on the word "Redskins". It's a tribal thing, and indicative of how fragile they are in this day and time. It's a sign of weakness. 

They may indeed win this war, if people don't realize the stakes here. Even Cowboys fans.


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