Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Let’s not try too hard to get Obama to say “radical Islamist”. At some point, we’re going to have to remove the word “radical” as a descriptor. Targeting just the “radical” ones let’s all of them off the hook. We cannot continue to utilize defensive measures designed to target a nebulous subset of this particular enemy. We must realize that if we win against this threat, it will have been because we defeated the ideology itself.

Based on the current laws of the United States, Islam is not a religion. Advocating for Sharia law is advocating for the disavowal of US law, and makes it subject to prosecution under sedition. RICO laws provide suitable framework to move forward. If Islam were proved to be the seditious conspiracy that we all know it is, then the families of the Orlando dead would have clear standing to sue. Assets could be legally seized, and America would instantly become the most inhospitable place in the world to practice Islam.

Imagine how focussed the minds of domestic Imams would become if America’s legal profession sniffed a buck or two? Certain specific sections of the Koran would be disavowed, newly interpreted, let’s say. The influx of practitioners would cease, as would the violence.

Islam. That’s the enemy. There simply is no solution to the Muslim problem that doesn’t involve consequences that accrue to all Muslims. Targeting radicals requires mind-reading, and will never work. De-legitimizing the “religion”, legally, and beginning to prosecute under RICO, would solve America’s problem with Islam.

Friday, May 27, 2016


The Democrat party is on life support, and Barack Obama is monkeying with the IV. He doesn’t care if the patient dies. Due to term limits, Barack has no more use for the Donkey party. He won’t lift a finger to help get a Democrat elected. He don’t do second fiddle. He has bigger plans.

He wants to be the world’s community organizer, and having a foil in the White House fits this plan nicely. Post Presidency, Obama will agitate, instigate division, foment unrest and attempt to mobilize the leftist movement in a global way. That’s what this current globe trot is all about. Laying the ground work. Notice how Donald Trump specifically, and America generally, are already the enemy, in his mind.

It is unclear if he will shill for Islam in an open way, or just covertly, but there’s no question he will attempt to benefit Islamic regimes in every way he can.

He’ll work from his home in DC, in the midst of the Great Satan is where he’ll be for a while, but becoming the nominal head of world leftism is his goal. To him, it’s a promotion.
But all narcissists eventually over-esteem their abilities, and just like all the others, he is underestimating Donald Trump, and the resilience of the American people. Oh, and the world doesn’t do affirmative action.

I wonder if the Secret Service will be obliged to protect him when he’s finally behind bars?

Monday, April 25, 2016

Late January 2017 Report From CNN...

Following his divisive, rambling, tele-prompter-less inaugural speech, President Trump today issued a plea to the British to return the bust of Winston Churchill to Washington. Seemingly bent on stirring needless controversy, Trump promised to afford the sculpture a "conspicuous place of honor" in the White House. 

Though some extreme Republicans lauded the move, others seem to think the request to be a gratuitous attempt to impugn former President Barack Obama. Trump once again seems to be impervious to the facts, in that it has been clear from day one that the British held the son of a former Kenyan subject in disdain, thus fully to blame for the disfunctional relationship between the two countries, throughout our 44th President's tenure.....

Trump also scheduled a talk with the Canadian Ambassador, ostensibly to discuss possibilities of returning to a dialogue on opening the Keystone Pipeline, or perhaps to offer a commitment to Ottawa to pay for a wall in order to hinder the re-entry of patriots who fled the US in protest after his election in November.....

Monday, March 28, 2016


  • Getting to be tedious isn't it?

    The US response to the next terrorist attack will be just like all the others.  Obama will step to the podium and ask us to not blame Islam. Oh no, we mustn't do that. We're just as prone to hate, aren't we?

    It's "Radical” Islamists, you know. Not all of them, just some of them. Which ones pray tell?

    So what is the solution?

    There is no solution to this problem that does not by necessity involve consequences which accrue to all Muslims.

    First, we must remove the word “radical”. Until we do, a sane response cannot be contemplated. Until we refuse to attach this descriptor to the word Islam, we will continue to watch innocents die.
    I am sure there are adherents to Islam who are peace-loving, but these are precisely the ones to whom consequences must accrue, if we want all we hold dear to survive the war that is being waged against us.

    We must state clearly and distinctly that our future actions abroad will have a punitive and retaliatory character. We will no longer apologize for collateral damage.

    Domestically, our goal should be to make the United States of America the most inhospitable place in the world to practice Islam, until the deaths of our citizens at the hands of Muslims and in the name of their God cease.


    Donald Trump’s proposal to shut off immigration from certain Muslim countries, and Ted Cruz’s plan to patrol and infiltrate domestic mosques and Muslim enclaves represent an effective beginning, because these are the only proposals thus far that allow consequences to befall all Muslims. These are sane proposals because all others require us to have the ability to read minds.
    All other proposals are insane, precisely because they are “targeted” toward “radical” Islam, and require us to develop the ability to read minds.

    Islam must be declared as the enemy. Unabashedly, unapologetically....Islam.

    And once consequences begin to befall all Muslims, we will find that those who are not radicalized will begin to offer some help, they will have a multitude of reasons to do so. They'll begin to police themselves. Aside from being the sane solution, declaring Islam and all its adherents as the enemy will also result in less death and destruction. This makes it also the most humane solution. 

Saturday, March 12, 2016


So, alleged Bernie supporters are taking credit for this? How convenient. If these “supporters” wanted to sink his campaign they couldn’t possibly devise a better way to do it.

I see Hillary’s devious little hands on this, and maybe our organizer-in-chief also. For her, a riot at a Trump rally instigated solely by Bernie supporters is a two-fer. She now has Chicago to point to in further fostering the narrative that the Bernie camp is violent and too extremist for America.

The Sea Island meeting we already know had some Hillary operatives in attendance. If this was planned, and it now looks as if it was, then the Hillary camp would have been in the know. Not so sure about Bernie. He’s a piker compared to Hillary when it comes to deviousness. How hard would it be for the Hillary camp to place a bunch of her people there with Bernie signs in order to implicate his camp?

Chicago. Rahm Emanuel. Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton.
To me, it’s just a bit too obvious that Bernie “masterminded” this. Spontaneous? Perhaps. Duped? More likely. Bernie had nothing to gain by planning this. Hillary does. I bet if the identities of some of the Bernie sign-carriers are found out, there will be some Hillary supporters in the mix.

Saturday, March 05, 2016


Friday, February 26, 2016


Trump cabinet:

DOJ-Ken Cuccinelli

Energy-Sarah Palin

State-Lt. Col. Ralph Peters

Defense-General Jack Keane

Treasury-Arthur Laffer

Agriculture-Victor Davis Hansen

Labor-Scott Walker

Commerce-Steve Forbes

Transportation-Dale Earnhart Jr.

Health and Human Services-Ben Carson

Interior-Ammon Bundy

Education-Mike Adams-UNC Wilmington

Housing and Urban Development-J. C. Watts

Veteran's Affairs-Col. Allen West

Homeland Security-Rudy Giuliani

EPA-James Imhofe

White House Press Secretary-Ann Coulter

Hillary Clinton Cabinet

DOJ-Tamara Holder

Energy-Al Gore

State-Huma Abedin

Defense-Bowe Bergdahl

Treasury-Bernie Madoff

Agriculture-Jorge Ramos

Labor-George Lopez

Commerce-Bernie Sanders

Transportation-Ralph Nader

Health and Human Services-Vernon Gosnell

Interior-Al Bundy

Education-David Brock

Housing and Urban Development-Spike Lee

Veteran's Affairs-Keith Ellison

Homeland Security-Morris Dees

EPA-Tom Steyer

White House Press Secretary-Elijah Cummings