Monday, October 09, 2006


My liberal friends said it wouldn't work, but America's anti-missile defense system is now deployed, and represents a tremendous plus for the negotiations that will now ensue as a result of North Korea's nuclear test of yesterday.

Not only does the system hold promise to defend the continental states from missile attack, but can now be sold to Japan and South Korea, not to mention Israel. It is truly a trump card that changes the value of nukes to both Iran and North Korea.

Rest assured Kim Jong-Il is aware of this, so why did he go ahead with the test? Perhaps he has decided, in light of the fact that investments in missile-bourne nuclear warfare have now become foolhardy, that his audience for this display are the various terrorist groups he plans to sell them to?

Is this a good reason to go ahead and hit the North Korean nuclear facilities? Probably not, but perhaps it is time to announce a new policy. We should declare that if a dirty bomb goes off in Milwaukee or anywhere else on our soil, that we will not waste time trying to decide where it came from, we will immediately retaliate with disproportianate force within the territories of Iran and North Korea. Unfair? Perhaps. But both renegades would be put on notice that they really need to consider stopping what programs they have in place now, and begin to join the world of peaceful nations.