Saturday, March 12, 2016


So, alleged Bernie supporters are taking credit for this? How convenient. If these “supporters” wanted to sink his campaign they couldn’t possibly devise a better way to do it.

I see Hillary’s devious little hands on this, and maybe our organizer-in-chief also. For her, a riot at a Trump rally instigated solely by Bernie supporters is a two-fer. She now has Chicago to point to in further fostering the narrative that the Bernie camp is violent and too extremist for America.

The Sea Island meeting we already know had some Hillary operatives in attendance. If this was planned, and it now looks as if it was, then the Hillary camp would have been in the know. Not so sure about Bernie. He’s a piker compared to Hillary when it comes to deviousness. How hard would it be for the Hillary camp to place a bunch of her people there with Bernie signs in order to implicate his camp?

Chicago. Rahm Emanuel. Barack Obama. Hillary Clinton.
To me, it’s just a bit too obvious that Bernie “masterminded” this. Spontaneous? Perhaps. Duped? More likely. Bernie had nothing to gain by planning this. Hillary does. I bet if the identities of some of the Bernie sign-carriers are found out, there will be some Hillary supporters in the mix.


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