Friday, May 27, 2016


The Democrat party is on life support, and Barack Obama is monkeying with the IV. He doesn’t care if the patient dies. Due to term limits, Barack has no more use for the Donkey party. He won’t lift a finger to help get a Democrat elected. He don’t do second fiddle. He has bigger plans.

He wants to be the world’s community organizer, and having a foil in the White House fits this plan nicely. Post Presidency, Obama will agitate, instigate division, foment unrest and attempt to mobilize the leftist movement in a global way. That’s what this current globe trot is all about. Laying the ground work. Notice how Donald Trump specifically, and America generally, are already the enemy, in his mind.

It is unclear if he will shill for Islam in an open way, or just covertly, but there’s no question he will attempt to benefit Islamic regimes in every way he can.

He’ll work from his home in DC, in the midst of the Great Satan is where he’ll be for a while, but becoming the nominal head of world leftism is his goal. To him, it’s a promotion.
But all narcissists eventually over-esteem their abilities, and just like all the others, he is underestimating Donald Trump, and the resilience of the American people. Oh, and the world doesn’t do affirmative action.

I wonder if the Secret Service will be obliged to protect him when he’s finally behind bars?


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